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Showing posts from February, 2024

on Running

Since it's been an usually warm winter, I've taken advantage and included more outdoor running to my fitness regime. I may post about my runs from time to time, but I wanted to share how I run.  My Routes Around my house, I've planned loops which are between two and six miles. I pick the distance I'm going to run based on my last run, and how I'm feeling for that day. Two-mile loops are reserved for days when I'm adding strength training. The six-mile loops are usually after a day off, when my legs are freshest.  Additionally, there are some loops in downtown Minneapolis which are in the three-to-five-mile range. These depend on how much time I have, and how hot it is. These routes are nice because they are along the Mississippi River and are quite flat.  No Headphones Mindfulness seems to be all the rage, and I'm generally there for it. When I'm out on my runs, I rarely use my earbuds. I take this time to focus on how I'm feeling about the run. I ca

Yesterdays Run

 I’m shocked. 

Junk on Mars

 Does anyone but me worry about all the dead robots currently on Mars? Spirit, Opportunity, various rovers, helicopters are all great for exploring, but once they've broken, then they just sit there...forever. We've filled our planet with (micro)plastics, now we are polluting Mars with the same. 

Personal Web

With Twitter* and FaceBook** kinda being a train wreck, I'm reconsidering how this space can be used to share personal updates. Since I haven't prioritized writing long-form articles here, maybe quick bits will be easier and potentially more interesting to those who care.  I'm intrigued by the Fediverse, but not sure it's mature enough or with a critical mass of content to suck me in yet. So follow me here with the #social tag.  * I'm not calling it X **inclusive of Threads & Instagram

This is Luna

She wants to say 'Hi'.