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Showing posts from February, 2023

Finding my voice and my stage

A couple months ago, I read Deep Work , by Cal Newport. As you might expect from the title, Newport provides rationale and instructions on how to develop and maintain focus, particularly when there are distractions everywhere. This post is not a book review, but maybe I should write one.  Newport suggests that social media is one of the biggest distractions. Doomscrolling Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and/or Reddit can pull one's attention away from more meaningful activities that align with goals (whether professional or personal). Furthermore, connections made on these services tend to be more superficial. My paraphrase of Newport's chapters on this don't do it justice, but it made sense to me and so I took some action.  I asked myself the following questions regarding my social media:  Do I want to have my name associated with this service?  Am I getting benefits that are aligned with my values? Am I having meaningful social interactions?  Even before Elon bought Twitter, th