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My Morning Podcasts

 As part of my previously mentioned morning routine, I take my dog, Luna, for a stroll around the neighborhood. I have a regular 1.7 mile route that takes us about 35 minutes each day. During our walks, I've started listening to podcasts to entertain myself. Here's what I've been listening to: 

  • Official AWS Podcast : a weekly podcast of AWS announcements of new features released. It's a LOT to get through, and not always the most interesting. (40 min)
  • The Internet Report: a weekly podcast detailing last week's outages on the Internet. (20 min)
  • Wall Street Journal Tech News Briefing: daily podcast noting all the interesting news in technology for the day. (5 min)
  • Screaming in the Cloud: Corey Quinn (of Last Week in AWS newsletter fame) bi-weekly interviews with interesting people doing things in the cloud. I maintain a Twitter list of folks interviewed on this podcast too. (45 min) 
  • Up First from NPR: daily podcast on today's top headlines. (5 min)
There is slightly more content here than I can get through, so I do have to pick and choose what I'm going to listen to during most walks. I also catch up a bit if I'm folding laundry or waiting outside the dentist's office. 

I also listen at 1.5 or 1.75 speed. It took me a while to get used to listening to podcasts at that rate, I started at 1.25 and gradually moved up from there. 

Luna the dog with a treat. 

About Luna

Luna is a 4.5 year old lab mix. Because of here mix, she's roughly half the size of a normal lab. As a gift, we received a DNA kit to find out just what her mix is, and here's the results:

            • 50% Labrador Retriever 
            • 25% undetermined retriever mix (Labrador, golden, etc)
            • 12.5% Chow Chow
            • 12.5% Shih Tzu

She likes treats, fetch, and getting pets from adults, kids alike. She dislikes small dogs and water. That makes her 100% weird, but we still like her.  
