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Welcome back, Blogger

Don't call it a comeback, but I'm recommitting to doing more writing. Why start writing now? There are many reasons. I've been doing a lot of reading and a lot of learning. For me, writing enhances my learning process, particularly if I can explain what I've learned. Rather than simply re-writing what I learned in a journal, I thought I'd share what I learned. 

There are a number of impediments to simply sharing my learning on social media: 
  1. My employer has some strong controls in place to restrict social media access. Facebook and  Instagram have a hard block. Twitter has read-only access; I can browse, but can't like or (re)tweet. I'm not comfortable yet with trying to upload YouTube or TicTok. 
  2. Generally, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are a tragic dumpster fire. Rather than throw my fuel onto that fire, I want to control my own message in my own way. 
With blogger, at least I can write in rich text and post away. So, I'm going to try out the email-to-blog gateway and see how that works. 
