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Showing posts from November, 2018

Interview questions

As I've been preparing for interviews lately, I've been rehearsing my 30-second elevator pitch and unique selling point (sounds like futures posts, doesn't it?). As part of this prep, I've been trying to anticipate interview questions that are both technical and behavioral.  As I've been in the interviewer chair before, I always found the behavioral questions to provide the most insightful answers. As a candidate, answering this questions with clarity and confidence can help to differentiate you from everyone else. At the end of an interview, there is usually time for the candidate to ask questions to the interviewers. It might be tempting to get out while you’re ahead, but this is really an opportunity to dig in and find out more about the company and the people you might be working for. At the risk of tipping my hand to potential hiring managers, here's a list of questions I keep with me during the interview. Questions for the hiring manager or leader W

What's in your work bag?

A number of years ago, Lifehacker ran a series documenting what items were carried in your bag. As part of this series, I developed a firm appreciation for minimalism but also for utilitarianism. While I could carry an iPad, Laptop, two chargers, a book, a notebook, and lunch not all of those things were necessary for my daily commute. The piece that stuck with me as you can guess from the photo, one item I always keep in my bag is my trusty Penguin Mint/tool kit. The mints are long gone, but this is my safety kit, should I need something in a relative emergency. So what's in here: Headphones : a must for avoiding contact or when you want a hands-free conversation on your phone.  Key Features:  Corded work best, since you don't have to recharge Doesn't everyone have a set of Ear Pods in a drawer, keep them with you.  USB Stick : Never know when you are going to have transfer files the "Old Fashioned way".  Key features:  Use your mobile phone n