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Career (and blog) Transitions

"Life is flux." - Heraclitus of Ephesus (500 BCE - 450 BCE)

The more common translation of the above quote is "The only constant in life is change.". Such as it is with my career and this blog. I'm beginning my journey to find a new position at a new organization. As a modern technology worker, this isn't an usual situation, but I wanted to use this platform to talk about my activities in the hopes that someone will find it useful.

The Details

Recently,  I was informed that my position will be eliminated effective 12/31/2018. My current employer, Capella University, is merging with Strayer University. As part of this merger...
the combined company is consolidating IT services. My position was considered redundant.

I was not surprised by this announcement. Over the last several months, there have been technical evaluations of every application and service provided by both companies to find 'cost synergies'. I got to participate in some of these and was able to observe others through cubical osmosis. I could read the tidbits of information coming out and figured that I had a 50% chance of being retained; turns out I was on the other side of that equation. While I'm not sure it's wise to write about the details of my severance, I have a nice long run way and ample cushion at the end.
