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Showing posts from March, 2018

MacMini build: Folding@Home

So I've got a server, but it's not doing a lot yet. Let's put it to good use. Options could include: BitCoin Mining -- I'm not going to mine much BitCoin on my own and on PC hardware.  Webserver -- future project IRC host -- YES, but I'll need to get homebrew running first.  Folding@Home  -- YES, and I can do that now.  Downloading the DMG file is a easy. Installing, via the commandline is a bit harder. Using my new found package install skills , I installed the package. Documentation for this software is pretty sparse, but I found the FAHClient  binary in /usr/bin. No command lines or anything, just run that and it starts downloading and grinding through work units. I didn't background the process. Instead, I kept it up so I can watch it (if I care to) running in a screen session. Screen (like tmux or other utilities) lets you connect and disconnect from a running set of terminal sessions. Nice for bouncing back and forth.

MacMini build -- Introduction

I have an old MacMini, running OS 10.6.4 (aka Snow Leopard). Instead of getting rid of it, I thought I'd take up the challenge of squeezing some extra life out of it as a headless box. I plugged it in next to my cable modem and voila: a unix-like box for fun and enjoyment. Or not.  While I've pretty familiar with Linux, OS X is certainly NOT linux. Package management is different, commands are different, it's not wrong or bad, I just don't know how to do it. So maybe figuring that out is fun, maybe? Step one: Let's confirm that version of the operating system:  Step two: change the hostname to something more reasonable. Not 100% why all of these are necessary, but it did the trick. Step three: Let's install a package manager, like HomeBrew . That looks simple enough. Well, that sucks. Curl doesn't like me. But there has to be a way, right?