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Staying productive during Holiday lulls

Congratulations, you made it to Thanksgiving week. If you are lucky enough to have this week off, enjoy it! If you are stuck at work with the rest of us, here's some tips to be productive during a lull...

Work around the holidays tends to fall into two categories:

  • mad sprint to finish projects before the end of the year
  • Long lunches, watching YouTube videos and otherwise slacking
If your end of year routine feels like for latter more than the former, here's some ideas to get productive. 

  1. Documentation: it's usually sparsely maintained and incomplete. Take some time to review and update an article or two. Your co-workers will thank you. 
  2. On-line training: Attend a webinar or free training course. EdX, Khan Academy and other learning platforms offer free or cheap options to brush up on some new skills. 
  3. Update your LinkedIn Profile: you don't need to be hunting for a job to maintain your profile. In fact, today's savvy applicants may be looking at your profile to gather information on job openings. 
  4. Cleaning: When is the last time you cleaned out your file cabinet, desk drawer or other personal space? Head to the store and get some disinfectant whip and clean your desk surfaces and phone. Beside being tidy, it also helps keep office germs under control. 
  5. Take a Walk: If you aren't getting your 10,000 steps per day in, why not take this opportunity to get a stroll. Taking a walk can give you a fresh perspective and spawn innovation. 
  6. Other Professional Development: start a blog, engage on twitter, network with other professionals. 
