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What is the culture shift required for DevOps? Part 1

I recently attended a presentation by Bill Holz (Gartner) on DevOps and Agile. While listening to this presentation, I wished that I had kept a tally sheet for every time the speaker used one of the following phrases:
  • Remove the silos
  • Break down barriers
  • Work together | collaboration
  • Culture Shift
I'd have a notebook full of tallies, and no real notes. It's the rhetoric that comes along with discussing DevOps. It's a metaphor, of course, but what does that really mean? If you can't see the barrier, then how can you break it down. If you can't find the silos, then how can you remove them.

Follow me on my journey of DevOps.

Step 1: Discovery

If you are dipping your toes into DevOps, chances are you aren't building a team from scratch. There is already some development and already an operations team to support the systems. Maybe you already have some automation, that's closer, but it doesn't feel like DevOps yet. 

Who are the players in Development and Operations. Well, they are the Application Developers and Systems Administrators (collectively DBAs, App Admins and other engineers). What is the difference between these an Application Developer and Systems Administrator? Obviously, a Developer develops and a Admin administers. But, if you have some automation in place, isn't an Admin also a developer?

In a DevOps environment, the answer to that question is yes. Everyone is a developer. If you followed me this far, congratulations, you are one step closer to breaking down that silo.

This is a multi part series. Next Step: Alignment
