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2016 Goal Plans

Last August, I accepted a new role as a people leader, in addition to my role as technologist. One of my new responsibilities is to lead the goal setting process, and then coach throughout the year to make sure these goals are tracked and met. In my 8+ years of time at my current organization, we have consistently done a poor job of career management and goal setting. So, my 2016 goal is to make it better. 

To that end, I'm documenting my high level goals that I'm going to cascade to my direct reports and my plan to follow-up throughout the year. 

High Level Organizational Goals
  • Improve Cost Efficiency of team
  • Deliver Critical Projects
Career Goals
  • Professional Development Goal
  • Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Goal
The high-level org goals are pretty generic and should encompass 90% of daily work, which is 'okay'. The Career Goals should be aligned with the individuals career aspirations. With these goals, I'm challenging them to take 10% of their work time during the year to learn new skills to help them get better at their current job, or study for the job they hope to attain in the future. 

Professional Development goal should be something a skill which can be applied to directly to in their current role. Shell scripting for automation, SQL Training or other such activites could be encompassed by this goal. 

The Choose-Your-Own-Adventure goal is an opportunity to stretch into different areas. Ideally, the employee should identify a risk or gap within the team and put a plan together a mitigation plan. 

Once we have a goal plan in place, we need to follow-up. But how? 
