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2016 Goal Plans: part 2

So, even if we have a goal plan, as a leader, how do you follow-up? It's all about the meetings.

I have a weekly one-on-one meeting for 20 minutes with each direct report. I've told each of them, that the first meeting of the month will be devoted to Goals. They are to bring their plans, and be prepared to discuss what they are doing to meet them.

Really, 12 follow-ups towards goals should be enough. It also allows time to adjust, refine, add or even subtract goals throughout the year.

Quarterly, mid-year and annual review of goals become significantly easier as they are just an extension of the monthly status meetings. Then your schedule looks like this:

Goal Planning and Review Schedule
JanuaryGoal initialization
FebruaryGoal follow-up
MarchQ1 Review and refine
AprilGoal follow-up
MayGoal follow-up
JuneQ2 Review and refine
JulyGoal follow-up
AugustGoal follow-up
SeptemberQ3 Review and refine
OctoberGoal follow-up
NovemberGoal follow-up
DecemberGoal follow-up
JanuaryQ4 Review & Goal initialization

When laid out like this, it's pretty easy and basic. I dare say this is obvious. If you are high on the Strengths Finder Achiever maybe you don't this. That is not one of my strengths, so I'm opting for a strategic and planful schedule to help keep this process on track and moving forward.
