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Showing posts from July, 2015

Querying the Alert Log

As is with most things, the story BEFORE the story is the most interesting. But, I'm going to save that for another time. So, I was troubleshooting a performance issue on a new RAC database and I wanted to see that alert log. Rather than dig around in the file system, I found you can query an X$ table for the contents of the alert log; a blog post by Tanel Poder showed me the way. But this post was for 11g, and ROWNUM <= x  is so 11g. So I added my favorite 12c SQL feature: FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY; And, if it's not in the last 10 rows, maybe it's in the next 10 row. And if you really need some help digging into the alert log, you can use some analytics and text mining functions to do more of the work, if SED, AWK and GREP aren't your thing.

REVIEW: Two Weeks with Pebble Time

When Pebble announced the latest version of thier watch, I was intrigued. I had watched from afar with the first version. I liked the look, I liked the functionality, I just couldn't justify paying for such a device, as I currently didn't even where a watch. Then, I watched the Apple Watch announcement and drooled with anticipation. And then was ultimately crushed when I saw the price tag. I looked at the Apple Watch the same way I look at a sports car, I wanted...badly, but could not justify the functionality for the cost. Then I got an opportunity to pick up a Pebble Time, via someone that ordered via Kickstarter and decided that Android Wear was the the way to go and decided to give it a go. Battery Life I place this at the top, as it still strikes me as counter intuitive to have to recharge my watch. I can realistically get 5 days of use without a recharge. I have a lot of notifications coming to my watch, which likely uses an ordinate amount of battery. Battery life