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Migrating to the Cloud

I was thinking about The Cloud and was struck by all of services that I currently rely upon that are in the cloud. Here's a list of things I use which are important, but not generally things that one may think of as being cloud-based.

I'm bad at taking notes, but I'm great at dumping what ever silly thing pops into my head in an Evernote document. If I ever need that idea, it's there and searchable. I don't use Notebooks or tags very effectively, but it's nice.

Lots and LOTS of task managment apps. I've tried Outlook, and Remember The Milk, but Todoist provides me a best way to manage my task, while being able to focus on the task, and NOT email. Process looks like this:

  • identify task from Email
  • forward message to Todoist
  • categorize, prioritize, and add reminders and due date
  • lather, rinse, repeat every hour. 

What I listen to when I'm doing the above. What I don't listen to is iTunes Radio.


I still can't get my head wrapped around the rename/rebrand, but the service is still great. One of my great recipes with IF includes updating a monthly 'Completed Tasks" Evernote from Todoist. Then I can review the notes to see what I did.

Do is nice but not indispensable.

Picaca / Amazon Cloud Drive
Since I have Amazon Prime, I get unlimited storage for photos, which is nice so I don't have worry about losing them somewhere. Also my mobile photos get backed up there too. Organized albums get uploaded to Picasa.

Look at me, I'm in the cloud? Chances are, so are you. It's not scary, it's wonderful.
