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Showing posts from March, 2015

Migrating to the Cloud

I was thinking about The Cloud  and was struck by all of services that I currently rely upon that are in the cloud.  Here's a list of things I use which are important, but not generally things that one may think of as being cloud-based. Evernote I'm bad at taking notes, but I'm great at dumping what ever silly thing pops into my head in an Evernote document. If I ever need that idea, it's there and searchable. I don't use Notebooks or tags very effectively, but it's nice. Todoist Lots and LOTS of task managment apps. I've tried Outlook, and Remember The Milk, but Todoist provides me a best way to manage my task, while being able to focus on the task, and NOT email. Process looks like this: identify task from Email forward message to Todoist categorize, prioritize, and add reminders and due date lather, rinse, repeat every hour.  Spotify / Pandora / SomaFM What I listen to when I'm doing the above. What I don't listen to is iTunes Ra

DBMS_DATAPUMP Schema Refreshes over DB Links [Part 1]

Problem:  How do I allow developers to refresh their own schemas with copies of production data? Caveat #1: developers do not have direct access to dump files on the database server Caveat #2: developers have limited access to production Caveat #3: Any solution needs to have the least privledges possible (i.e. no DBA or SYSDBA roles) Solution:  Using the DataPump API and DB Links, I was able to deploy a procedure and grant access to users in order to allow on-demand refreshes. Here's how: Assume two databases: ORADV (development/destination) and ORAPR(production/source) In ORAPR, create the following user and permissions: create user APP_ORADV identified by blahyada account unlock; grant connect to ORADV; grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to ORADV; In ORADV, create the following user and permissions: create user SCHEMA_TOOLS identified by yadablah account unlock; grant connect to SCHEMA_TOOLS; grant resource to SCHEMA_TOOLS; grant EXP_FUL