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12 Posts on 12c: DataPump LOGTIME parameter

With the introduction of the LOGTIME parameter, DataPump operations will now report report timestamps from the system.

LOGTIME parameter accepts four different values:

  • NONE : (default) No timestamp information reported; classic 11g behavior.
  • STATUS : Timestamp information only reported to STDOUT
  • LOGFILE : Timestamp information only reported to specified log file. 
  • ALL : Timestamp information reported to both STDOUT and log file. 

Timestamp information can be included in DataPump operations using the DBMS_DATAPUMP package as well. The SET_PARMETER procedure can set the value of the LOGTIME  parameter with the following syntax:

Editor note: When I started this series, twitter friendly URL titles weren't part of the consideration. This is the same series, but better titles. Thanks
