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Strategic Leadership Program: Tech Talks

This is a series of talk from IOUG Leaders.

Improving Your Work PerMaria Anderson, from Encana.

  • We call some to discussions with some assumptions. 
  • You are not going to think clearly if you are triggered emotionally
    • proven to last for 20 minutes
  • approach situations in a curious way, ask 'why' 
    • establishes common ground
    • foundation for discussion
    • ask 'what else' to further conversation
  • Humans usually working on next response, or listening to what someone is saying?
Conversations are culture! (Adam Savage said that)

Open Discussion
What two things about talk have struck a chord?

  • be curious
  • ask why
  • restate what you hearing

What action items? 

  • same as above and
  • recognize when OTHERs are emotionally triggered
Rising Through The Ranks: Leadership is not about a Title  by John Matelski (DeKalb Co, GA)
  • Leadership begins with self-knowledge
    • it's the basis for character, character is the root of integrity, integrity provides the foundation for leadership. V. Lombardi
Leadership in simple terms
  • create a vision
  • direct and enable other to cooperate in achievement
  • be consistent
how can you best position yourself to rise? 
  • motivate
  • inspire
    • "Good" is the enemy of '"Great"
    • book Good To Great  by Jim Collins
    • encouraging other to push themselves to achieve
  • working with others on the how and helping them figure out the what and why
    • help them on the bus
    • help them find the right bus
  • enabling
  • walk the walk, do what ever they would o
Leader Characteristics
  • Ability
  • knowledge
  • experience -- not the same as knowledge
  • personality
Leadership Qualities to Work On (this skills can be honed)
  • enable direction and structure
  • a clear vision
  • charisma
    • find a role model, externally or internally
    • hardest part of leadership
    • be comfortable with yourself
  • Enable motivation and enthusiasm
    • motivations can be inherent 
  • skillful communicator
  • build character
  • empathy
    • have understanding for situations
(McConnell, 2000)
  • Vision and Passion
  • Strong Communicating Skills
  • be a Role model
  • Have integrity and honesty
  • Organized
(Trenberth and Collins, 1994)

[note, these are basically straight bullet points from slides, with highlights]

Leadership as empowerment
- a leader inspires confidence in thier leader

There are several different types leaders, be self aware, you don't need to be ALL these things, but find your leadership skills. 

Leader is a person who: 
  • is a good teacher
  • doesn't put down those they are working with
  • gets the most of who they are working with
  • works within the framework of rules
    • "Meet your commitments"
    • Hold accountable
    • be consistent
Ingredients of a Successful Leader
  • create and practice values
    • find opportunities for excellence
    • continuous improvement
  • develop committed followers
  • inspire lofty accomplishments
  • Model appropriate behavior
You Don't need a title to be a Leader by Mark Sanborn

Discussion questions 
What struck a chord? 
  • consistency
What are your action items? 

All about 'Me'
What is personal branding and how can it work for me? by Carolyn Dolezal (SmithBucklin)
Branding: concept in marketing, to differentiate a product from others
Brand is a promise (consistency)
How do you feel as a result?

You can't be your strongest self if you don't know who you are. 

  • Bring your strongest strength to what you do. 
Personal brand reflects:
  • The real you
    • what you bring to the table
    • your strengths 
    • your opportunities
  • Aspirational
    • what you want to become
Discover -> Develop -> Deliver -> Discover -> and so on, in a cycle...evolve
  • Discover
    • Ask others how they view you
      • co-workers
      • bosses
      • kids
  • Develop
    • find ways to develop
  • Deliver
    • do what you're striving for
    • match action w/ aspiration
Brand developed by 
  • most recent
  • most intense
