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Managing Social Responsibility Challenges of Social Analytics in 21st Century Organizations

[Also known ask the longest title in Collaborate14]

by Dan & Tim Vlamis

Good news!

  • Analytic tools are readily available & very powerful
  • significant performance gains are being achieved through analytics
  • Everyone has a basic understanding
    • sports teams
    • casinos
    • and now retail
Companies spend lots of time doing 'standard reporting' and don't take the extra step and modeling the results for predictive. Standard reports are low value, compared to analytics, by order of magnitude. 

So, when and where do the decisions to USE some of these analytics as part of their business? Are these discussions happening? Are they conscious decisions? How do we know?

Who is entitled to information?

  • are employees able to see their own employee score?
  • are customers? 
How do you balance the interests of the organizations and individuals: customers, employees, etc

What frameworks and philosophies are available for guiding these decisions?
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Security
  • Data Governance and Master Data Management
  • Legal: HIPPA, FERPA, etc
  • Data Mining Frameworks: KDD, CRISP-DM, etc)
  • Complex Adaptive Systems, System Dynamics
  • and lots more....
