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Logminer Basics - Or How to Pull Your Bacon out of the Fire

Tim Herring
Packaging Corp of America

How to setup and use Logminer

  • select * from users where clue > 0;
    • users may not know what they did
    • logminer can help by reading from archive redo logs
  • Undo also available in redo log
  • Source Database -- where you got the logs
  • Mining Database -- target database (can be same as source)
  • Logminer dictionary
    • can be flatfile
    • dictionary can be extracted to redo
  • requirements
    • utl_file_dir
    • archive log mode
    • supplimental logging enabled
    • same platofrm, blocksize,character set
  • Build log dictionary
    • refresh dicionary when necessary
  • specify redologs
    • dbms_logmnr.add_logfile()
    • select * from v@logmnr_logs
  • start analysis
    • dbms_start_logmnr(dictionary,)
    • select * from v$logmnr_contents
Searching Strategies

  • select * from v$loghist on source
    • gather information on logs for estimated time
    • where sql_redo -- shows sql executed
    • where sql_undo -- shows sql to rollback transaction

Appropriate use of LogMiner (or ways to save your bacon)

  • transactions for things that can be 'undone'
  • logical corruption occured and moved moved on. Point-In-Time not an option. 
  • LogMiner as a sleuthing tool
    • who, what, when
    • ALL the information is in Redo log
  • Mine Logs so you can move forward
  • Resources limit used of other tools
    • flashback, etc
  • Audit Tool
