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Deploying PeopleSoft to Amazon Cloud

Use case for PeopleSoft :

  • Oracle Patches
    • Create a production like environment (web tier, app tier, db tier)
    • install the patch
    • test the patch
    • once certified, throw away environment (no capital invested in hardware)
Cost Savings:
  • $0.03/GB in S3 Storage
  • $0.01/GB in Glacier Storage for backup
  • Amazon itself saved 1.2M by migrating from tape backup to S3 Storage.
Storage Options: 
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)
    • high  performance block storage device
    • 1GB - 1TB
    • Mount as Drives to instances with snapshot/cloning 
    • charged based on provisioned IOPS (manage costs)
  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Highly scalable object storage
    • 1B to 5TB
  • Glacier
    • Long term object archive
    • extremely low cost / GB
    • slow performance
    • highly durable
Relational Database as a Service
  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
Project Overview: 
  1. Setup a VPC
  2. Create Foundational Infrastructure
  3. Copy Database into AWS
  4. Complete configuration
  5. Test Environment & Application
  6. Test move to Production
  7. Move to Production
  8. Total Time to Deploy: 6-12 /wks (with vendor help)
