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iOS 7 Wireless Connectivity Issues and Solution?

DHCP Client is broken. Use a static network configurations and things may work better.

When iOS 7 was first released, there were lots of complaints from iPhone 4s users and older iPad users stating Wifi was not working for them anymore. I heard these complains, and upgraded my iPhone and 3rd generation iPad anyway. My iPad continued to work great after the upgrade, my iPhone was not so fortunate.

I read through the Apple support forums, added my voice to the call for action. Those calls have been largely ignored. Some intrepid user dug into the router logs and saw some strange activity with their DHCP lease negotiations. The problem wasn't necessarily with Wifi itself, but with the phone's ability to accept and retain a leased IP address. This issue seemed to exist relating to the DHCP client (e.g. network card in phone) rather than the type of router being used.

Once I configured with static network information, I was able to connect successfully with Wifi. This solution works great for home, but this is not a long term solution. At least I can backup my phone via iCloud now. After 4 months of, its only taken 9 hours!

