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Oracle Open World -- Post Script

I'm still trying to digest everything that I learned from OOW13. Plug-able databases, data modeling, CTX package, etc. I found myself emailing my boss on occasion during the conference to say stuff like 'hey boss, I just learned about this. We should totally being to this thing.' And it was hard not to wall myself up in my hotel room and work on it until it was finished. Fortunately, I resisted the urge, and kept on attending sessions.

Let it be said that Open World is NOT a training conference. I'm not sure I came away with more tangible skills on Friday than I had on Sunday. What I do have, is more knowledge of the tools available. As the saying goes, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. After each Open World conference, I feel like I have a new tool available to me. I don't like the idea of being one dimensional, so having a wide range of tools to solve problems helps me be more valuable.

Finally, it's not always WHAT you know, but WHO, and I met some really awesome people at Open World this year. Who did I meet? Check out my Twitter feed, they are all there. @gscottwalters.

So what do I do now? Well, I told my boss, most of what I learned, not everything (not yet). But I've got my notes and I've got my plan. I've also preparing to distribute some knowledge to others in my organization about what I've learned. After all, what good is knowledge if you keep it to yourself. Teach someone to fish, or to write better SQL.

So speaking of teaching, I'm going to try to teach from the blog as well, with at least one post daily on something that I've done, learned, thought about, or failed at (we aren't successful all the time.) I learn by doing and I learn by writing. So I'm learning, and I hope you'll learn by reading.
