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What do to at Open World...besides sessions

Oracle Tech Network (OTN) has some awesome demos available at the OTN lounge. I'm going to stop by the following, at least for a bit.

  • OTN Meetup – Tuedsay 9/24 4:30pm - 5:30pmJoin OTN Community Managers and team members, Oracle Product Managers, and community members to meet and mingle. Be sure to mention the special code word ("I love OTN") at the OTN Lounge info desk to receive your free gift (you'll need that gift for access to the refreshments). 
  • Meet the Oracle ADF Team – Wednesday 9/24  2:00pm - 3:00pm Meet with the Oracle ADF community peers, network with product managers, get to know Oracle ACEs who specialize in Oracle ADF. We'll also have free give-aways (while supplies last).
  • RAC Attack – Tuesday / Wednesday 9/24-25 10:00am – 2:00pm
    • Install Oracle 12c RAC on your laptop to have a training hands on environment
    • Answers Oracle 12c RAC related questions
    • Install Oracle 12c Single Node instance
    • Ninjas will explain how to install it at home
    • Come along and network with community experts 
  • 12c Pluggable DB/App on Stick Installfest – Monday and Tuesday 9/23-24 10:00am - 11:00am  Discover for yourself what's hot about the multitenant support in Oracle 12c. You'll receive a Pluggable Database that contains a full set of Oracle Database Sample Schemas plus Oracle Application Express (APEX) pre-configured with an APEX Demo app and a Simple Sales Forecasting app. 

The RAC ATTACK is already getting buzz from the Twitters I'm going to try to get to that one early. 
