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Oracle Open World 2013 -- Preview

So, I ran out of time to write a proper preview. So, here we are on Day one! I started my day with a morning jog, a swim with @OracleNerd, Chet Justice and Yuri Velikanov and other luminarys and colorful internationals. To further exemplify the international flavor of this event, the water temp was measured in I really had no idea. Once I got it, it literall took my breath away; my diaphram contracted in strange ways, until I settled in. After that, I got a good 1/4 mile swim in, and collected the t-shirt, which was all I wanted anyway. 

But, back to the preview: I'm focusing my conference sessions on some labs involveing data modeling, as well as a review of some cloud based architectures from Oracle and Amazon. I also have sessions on Golden Gate replication, which I'm already familiar with and a handful of other interesting sessions. 

I'll post/update sessions daily, or as needed. You can follow me on Twitter as well, @gscottwalters. 

5 minutes until first session. Here we gooooooo!
