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Surviving a new boss

So my boss quit.

Depending on the nature of your position, losing your boss can have a wide variety of impacts. As a senior level database administrator, the manager I report to is basically an advocate and resource planner. In the absence for a person that position, it requires a bit of finesse and care.

Here's my first thoughts on how to handle this situation:
  • Don't Panic
  • Be you own advocate
  • Be valuable
First, Don't Panic. No matter if you work for General Motors, Google, or the Holiday at the corner of Diffley and Lexington, organizational change happens. People get hired, fired, promoted, demoted or transfered. In all likelihood, this change has very little to do with you personally. 

Now that you are without a boss, there will be a vacum while the new boss is hired and trained in. Take the time to be active in the process. Even if you don't want to be the boss, being part of the conversation will show that you are an engaged employee and willing to do what it takes to make the organization better. Being without a boss also gives you more direct access to your boss's boss. Use this to your advantage. 

Be Valuable. In the absensce of a manager, this is your time to shine. Don't try to BE the boss, but don't wait for someone to tell you to do something if it needs to be done. Chances are you'll be noticed, just make sure it's for the right reasons. 
