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Oracle Open World Follow-up

I'm skipping over my Day 4 review, because it really wasn't worth it. The human brain can only take in so much information so fast, I think I reached my saturation point on Thursday, which is convenient because the Thursday sessions are usually 'filler' sessions.

Over all, Oracle Open World was pretty much what I expected. A great learning and networking experience. I learned a lot, about a little, and have come back the the office with some ideas on stuff we can do better.

So what are those ideas? Glad you asked:

  • Information Lifecycle Management
    • Data goes in, it states that way. We need to find a better way. 
    • Why? Large tables can be a drag on over all performance. Also, compliance reasons, such as immutability and retention policies. 
  • Performance Engineering
    • In a world with web applications, it's impossible to tune applications for the number of users; instead plan for hardware considerations to maximize stability and performance.
    • Heard sessions from real-world performance team with lots of specific examples of what questions to ask, and what not to do. 
  • Histograms
    • More performance stuff, this time with the collection of statistics to determine best execution plans. 
    • Honestly, I need to review this presentation again, but I recall liking it a lot. 
I'm sure there are some other things I learned too, but those are the big three. 

I'm also building an Oracle Linux VM on my desktop machine so I can play with Oracle Application Express, because the sessions I saw seem to indicate it's pretty awesome. 
