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Oracle Open World Day 3

Wednesday's schedule:

  • Building an Integrated Data Warehouse with Oracle Databaes and Hadoop
  • The Very, Very Latest in Oracle Database development
  • How to do a complete system refresh for PeopleSoft HCM on Unix/Linux
  • Delivering Big Data Projects Successfully with Agile Software Development
  • A Day in the Life of a Real-World Performance Engineer: Part 3

Not all sessions are exactly what you'd hope they'd be. In some cases the abstract can be misinterpreted or not completely understood. Other times the content might not exactly what you were hoping for. This was particularly the case with the 'Complete system refresh' and "Delivering Big Data Projects Successfully". I had high hopes for both of these presentations and left each session disappointed.

The Complete System Refresh presentation started with a lot of basic information, and then he lost me at 'take a cold back of production system'. WHAT?! That sort of goes against my philosophy of don't let non-production systems impact production. So that was not what I was hoping for.

Delivering Big Data projects was pretty okay actually. I just was hoping for somethign more technical, and less projet manager focused. Not bad for a certain type of person, just not me.

Everything else was pretty good.

Also, saw Pearl Jam Wednesday night. Eddie was in fine form; engaging, emotional, clearly working on his craft. Was glad to see he wasn't just earning a paycheck. Actually, he mentioned that he was earning a paycheck and talked about causes that this work would help. Nice to know they didn't lose their politics. I missed most of Kings of Leon and all of X (punk band). I wasn't concerned about either of those anyway.
