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Oracle Open World Day 2

Here's my schedule for Tuesday:

  • NoSQL and the Oracle Relational Database
  • Information Lifecycle Management in OLTP Databases with Partitioning: Best Practices
  • A Day in the Life of a Real-World Performance Engineer: Part 2
So today might have seemed like a pretty easy day, and from a strictly sessions stand-point, it was. However, there were some other things on my agenda today as well. There are TWO large exhibition hall with people hocking their software and services. Oracle also had a signifiant number of kiosks, staffed with functional experts on basically every piece of software; these are collectively called the "Demo Grounds". Oracle also blocks off about 90 minutes in the afternoon strictly to allow attendees to wander through these areas, so that's what I did. 

Among the more interesting conversations I had was with RedHat regarding their BRMS product that we use. I also stopped by the Quest Software booth (they are owned by Dell now!) and the Amazon AWS booth (which hosts the site). I also stopped by the Mentis site to discuss their data masking software, which may or may not be needed any longer, with Oracle's release of the DBMS_REDACT package in RDBMS 12c. 

I know I'm posting these updates about 24 hours AFTER they happen, however, I only have so much time to write AND my schedule is in flux on a session by session basis. I did register for a large number of sessions, but I also wanted to make sure I'm staying topical, so I've been surfing for last minute changes according to my interests and whims. 
